Monday, July 12, 2010

NEPAL — Pastor and Church Members Beaten by Maoists

This excerpt is taken from a story brought to you by and Voice of the Martyrs:
"... Before the attack, the pastor had asked the Maoists to leave and return the next day to talk with him, but the rebels instead began to beat him with sticks. When church members, including the pastor's father and women in the church, tried to defend the pastor, the Maoists attacked them, too. The rebels also burned Bibles and hymnals during the attack. 
The following day, local villagers accused the Christians of not paying the "temple tax" and of "converting the local people to Christianity." Each family was ordered to pay the exorbitant tax, and Christians have been warned that they will be expelled from the village if they do not pay. Some believers have voluntarily left the village, and those remaining risk losing their homes..."
Please click here to read the rest of the story - and others like it.

God Bless and Take care!