Wednesday, December 22, 2010

The Manger and The Cross: Disturbing? or Delightful?

C.J. Mahaney, President of Sovereign Grace Ministries, shared an article on called Disturbing Christmas: The Manger and the Cross.  I found this article pretty gripping... felt the need to share it with you:

"The days before Christmas can be a tiring season of preparation, planning, shopping, and wrapping. But I think as we prepare for the Christmas celebrations, dinners, travel, and gift giving, it's equally important that we pause and prepare our souls for Christmas.

During this time of year, it may be easy to forget that the bigger purpose behind Bethlehem was Calvary. But the purpose of the manger was realized in the horrors of the cross. The purpose of his birth was his death...." 

Please find the article in it's entirety right here.