Saturday, July 16, 2011

ADF - Alliance Defense Fund

My family and I live in the United States.  What I mainly post on this blog is news of persecution and martyrdom -- most of these "news" stories are from countries outside the United States.  For many of us Americans, we just think "oh, it'll never happen to us."  Well, my friends and family, brothers and sisters, if it is happening to "other" countries, it IS still happening to us.  WE are all human.  WE are all one.  WE need to be informed of things going on in all countries.  WE need to help our brothers and sisters.

As for my fellow Americans... if you needed it to come to the United States in order to get your attention, please read the following post.  Don't just stop at the excerpt.  Visit the Alliance Defense Fund website and read what they have to share.  Then read what they are trying to do about it.  I urge you to just take a look.

Excerpt from the website of Alliance Defense Fund:
Throughout our history, America has been a land defined by religious faith and freedom. Religious freedom is our first and most fundamental, God-given right deemed so precious that our Founding Fathers enshrined it in the U.S. Constitution.

So why is religious freedom under attack in America today?

For decades, the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and other radical anti-Christian groups have been on a mission to eliminate public expression of our nation's faith and heritage. By influencing the government, filing lawsuits, and spreading the myth of the so-called "separation of church and state," the opposition has been successful at forcing its leftist agenda on Americans.  READ MORE
Please be sure to visit the Alliance Defense Fund and maybe sign up to receive their newsletters in your inbox.  God Bless, and thank you for your time today.